

We’re standing here in appreciation because we want you to know how much strength it gives us - and how grateful we are - that you’re here today to pay tribute to our wonderful Oli.

As so many of us have said to one another over the last couple of weeks - there are no really no words that do justice to the enormity of what has happened. However, your notes, letters, conversations and hugs have been a huge source of strength and comfort for us...Thank you.

We have experienced kindness and support that has deepened connections with friends and loved ones. We have been taken aback by the generosity and help of everyone that’s been involved – at such short notice – in publishing books, creating websites, bringing his artwork to life, and creating and hosting this tribute. Thank you.

If we could turn back time, we would not be here together today. But we can’t rewrite history, and so we must deal with the hand we’ve been dealt. And that means that, as a family, as hard as it is, we are standing strong together to deliver a tribute and lasting legacy that will make Oli - and all of us here today - rightly proud.

Later, as we leave with Oli, please follow us outside – feeding out from the front rows first – taking a handful of forget me nots by the door. There will be an opportunity for you to say your final goodbyes outside, whilst this room is refreshed for our return.

As a family, we would like a few minutes at the end of the tribute to say our final goodbyes in private before joining you all.

To start this very special tribute Alex will read a poem she’s written called ‘My Brother’.

Stefan, Diana, Alex & Max