Why 100 Schools?


Oliver ‘Felix’ Wissenbach

On 10 September 2019 at 8 a.m., we discovered the body of our beloved Oli, lying peacefully at the bottom of a swimming pool in Menorca. It was the first day of our long-awaited family holiday. He was 25 years old.

The subsequent diagnosis was that he had suffered from ‘sudden adult death syndrome’. He had died unexpectedly, doing something he loved, taking a late-night swim. We are still trying to come to terms with our loss, and our lives will never be the same again.

“Don’t be afraid to change route.”

— OLiver


Oli had a zest for life. In his 25 years, he achieved more than many do in a lifetime. He was a qualified snowboarding instructor, diving instructor, electronic music producer and English teacher. He was gentle, kind and humble, with a wish to leave the world a better place.

We miss him desperately.

In the days following his death we were introduced to his writing on Quora where he had been answering questions and helping others, but doing so anonymously without seeking recognition or reward under a pseudonym.

We discovered his pseudonym far too soon, but as we read his posts we immediately realised that we wanted to share his work with the people who loved him…..and with the world he loved.

We are honoured to bring you - Sam Leaper’s Little Book of Wisdom.


The Magic Future Foundation


Oliver was a kind, humble and thoughtful young man who was loved and admired by all who met him. He loved life and wanted to leave the world a better place. He was a wonderful writer who made the complex simple in his own unique way. Writing under the pseudonym, Sam Leaper, Oliver used his talent with words to help others. Sam Leaper’s Little Book of Wisdom is a collection of his words. A tribute to his life.

But there is a higher purpose to this book.


The morning he died, Oli’s younger siblings, Alex and Max, said they wanted to build a school in his honour—something meaningful to come out of a tragedy. Together as a family, we had built a school in Africa in 2013 and, having witnessed the impact, hoped one day to build more.

Upon reading Oli’s answer to the second question published in this book and seeing his list of what he wanted to be true when he died, we were struck by his desire to leave the world a better place. Whilst he certainly enriched our lives beyond measure, we decided to share his story, his work, and in doing so build 100 more schools in his name.

All proceeds from this book will go toward this endeavour.

When published on Amazon next month, all proceeds from the book will go towards this endeavour to which fundraising has already begun through our charitable foundation www.magicfuturefoundation.org.

A Just Giving Page has been established for donations in his honour.

Thank you for all your support.


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Sam Leaper’s
Little Book of Wisdom


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Little Wisdom t-shirts


’Little Wisdom’ canvases

Oli’s beautiful Little Wisdom canvases are now available to purchase.

All proceeds from the sale of the canvases will go to help us in our endeavor to build more schools.